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zzzmirror.i2p Development discussions Home Forums Topics Posts Uploads Avatars SITE IS IN READ ONLY MODE Search Effects of Shared Bandwidth on Anonymity of the I2P Network « Security Alerts and Vulnerabilities « I2P Development Sun, 15 Oct 2017, 03:01pm #1 tonemgub Newbie Found this on forums.i2p. A university discovered flow correlation attacks against I2P, and proposed a partial fix based on bandwidth allocation. https://www.cs.dal.ca/research/techreports/cs-2...
Includes subforums for meta discussions and off-topic talks too. forums.i2p ADH B32 iden inr 2019-07-03. For all user questions Sun, 31 Dec 2023 | Citations | Cache | discuss I2P - Post a reply http://discuss.i2p/posting.php?
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