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Overchan.dlms.i2p nntp-overchan.i2p Oniichan.i2p nntpbb.i2p www.i2ch.i2p fbichan.i2p chan chan -- text only chan. A-chan NNTP Testnet Nodes pichan nntpchan testnet Forums FreedomForum.i2p fourms.i2p -- Replacement for forum.i2p IRC Irc2P -- Built into your router Official Onion: ogn5vbujhrvbihko.onion:6667 [DOWN as of 2014-08-22] ~ Telecomix -- Telecomix IRC channel.
Forums Centralized forums Eepsite Helper links Last visited Description/Notes forum.i2p ADH B32 iden inr 2017-04-25 The original I2P forum, for all I2P-related questions, discussions and announcements [ 3 ] fbichan.i2p ADH B32 iden inr 2015-04-20 Chans about cyberpunk, coding and piracy www.i2ch.i2p ADH B32 iden inr 2015-08-05 i2channel is a 2ch-style BBS on steroids and kareha 404chan.i2p ADH B32 iden inr 2015-09-14 Centralized image boards To be continued.