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Top mark22k Re: my 0.9.45 router can not use outproxy.eg. false.i2p Quote Post by mark22k » 20 Jun 2020 17:10 Which message exactly appears? false.i2p works rarely or very slowly. You can try purokishi.i2p* or outproxy.bandura.i2p.
If you upgraded from a default I2P install to I2P+ or you are running default I2P, you will need to configure the I2P HTTP Proxy tunnel via the Tunnel Manager (aka Hidden Services Manager) to use purokishi.i2p in both the Outproxies and SSL Outproxies sections (replace false.i2p). If using i2pd, replace http://false.i2p in your i2pd.conf file with http://purokishi.i2p and enable if necessary. Note: Do NOT specify outproxy.purokishi.i2p as the outproxy; this is the landing...
I knew a bit more services: "http-https.ihave2proxy.i2p,cheezyproxy.i2p,http.i2p,false.i2p". How to test: if some outproxy is not working (check inr.i2p stats to be sure) then clearnet (http) webpage fail to load and clicking refresh button causes to select different outproxy and the page loads after a few seconds.
NotBob Rating Please note that this score is because of the amazing service, not the actual webpage. As the story goes, we had another default proxy, false.i2p. It's been dead for years, and when it was alive it wasn't all that great most of the time. There are other outproxies you can use as well.
. # # eepproxy tunnel.0.name=I2P HTTP Proxy tunnel.0.description=HTTP proxy for browsing eepsites and the web tunnel.0.type=httpclient tunnel.0.sharedClient=true tunnel.0.interface= tunnel.0.listenPort=4444 tunnel.0.proxyList=false.i2p tunnel.0.i2cpHost= tunnel.0.i2cpPort=7654 tunnel.0.option.inbound.nickname=shared clients tunnel.0.option.outbound.nickname=shared clients tunnel.0.option.i2cp.leaseSetEncType=4,0 tunnel.0.option.i2cp.reduceIdleTime=900000...
zzz.i2p Development discussions Home Forum You are not logged in Login Sat, 25 Dec 2010, 08:50am Proposal: I2P under PHP to facilitate new eepsites » MrEd Newbie Basically, I was thinking that if someone could add a PHP program to their existing web, and make it accessible as an I2P destination eepsite without going through "false.i2p" or another exit node, it might make it easier to add content servers to the I2P network. There are a lot of ISP server plans which don't allow running...
Das macht Ihr unter Einstellungen -> I2PTunnel dann unter "I2P-Klienten-Tunnel" klick auf "I2P HTTP Proxy" und ändert false.i2p in z.B. http://vdsl5eokzsrbcuyqo2mqcxqkrnh6hgt3jxhqv7pfmgguzgp3pcjq.b32.i2p/ das wäre dann der von tutorials.i2p. nach oben CONTACT ME Document last edited: Maerz 2015.
20:12:20 <sadie_> it is not a high priority in the immediate future, as per roadmap. 20:12:40 <eyedeekay> Meeh has actually improved outproxy performance noticably of late for the general-use, default outproxy at false.i2p 20:13:11 <zzz> anything else on 2) ? 20:14:04 <zzz> 3) 0.9.45 development status (zzz) 20:14:15 <zzz> development is going well 20:14:32 <zzz> we have 17K lines of diff so far, including a big update to the dark themes 20:14:38 <zzz> some fixes for hidden mode 20:14:47...
This feature came later, through the use of outproxy services, however the default I2P outproxy (false.i2p) that comes pre-configured with stock I2P is painfully slow. That is why we sponsor the fastest available I2P outproxy available, the official outproxy of I2P+, purokishi.i2p.
Even the only outproxy worth a damn isn't in the default subscription list: purokishi.i2p I've been advertising this site (ramble.i2p) and getting people to join and check out the I2P network without realizing they can't access this site and suggesting purokishi.i2p as their outproxy when they complain about the slow false.i2p default outproxy without realizing neither are accessible out of the box. Glad I did a default vanilla install to test something out as a brand new user and realized...
# auth = true # user = i2pd # pass = changeme ## Select webconsole language ## Currently supported english (default), afrikaans, armenian, chinese, czech, french, ## german, italian, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, turkish, turkmen, ukrainian ## and uzbek languages # lang = english [httpproxy] ## Enable the HTTP proxy (default: true) # enabled = true ## Address and port service will listen on (default: # address = # port = 4444 ## Optional keys file for proxy local...
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