About 12 results found. (Query 0.06100 seconds)
2. example.i2p registered, user incorrectly requests www.example.i2p 3. www.example.i2p registered, user incorrectly requests example.i2p 4. www.example.i2p and example.i2p registered, user requests example.i2p, first lookup fails and www. is appended Existing behavior: 1.
Quote Post by haske » 16 Jul 2023 01:45 A question recently came into mind that I can't seem to find a good answer for: Assuming I have hosts1 and hosts2 in my subscriptions list, in that order, but both hosts1 and 2 list different b32/64 addresses for example.i2p. What would happen when I try to connect to example.i2p? Is a warning displayed? Does a certain subscription get priority? Top echelon Posts: 264 Joined: 10 Feb 2018 13:36 Re: Question about subscription list...
Info: Hosts check is done every hour. Supported commands: adding of hosts for 2LD domains (example.i2p) adding subdomains (addsubdomain) adding/changing destination (adddest, changedest) - destination is replaced with the new one, old destination is purged.
Throws: IOException - if file cannot be written to. main public static void main ( String [] args) throws Exception Usage: HostTxtParser [-q] validate example.i2p=b64dest[#!key1=val1#key2=val2] Throws: Exception
Mainly this involves adding custom options to the tunnel: targetForPort.9999=example.com:1234 spoofedHost.9999=example.i2p The rest is copied from zzz, original source here http://zzz.i2p/topics/1501 "This is generally for multiple services on one server tunnel.
The only supported command is " addsubdomain " . java -jar /path/to/i2p/lib/i2p.jar privatekeyfile -a 3ld.example.i2p -b example.i2p -y /path/to/example.dat -z addsubdomain /path/to/3ld.example.dat options: -a 3LD hostname -b 2LD hostname -y 2LD private key file -z must be " addsubdomain " last argument must be the 3LD private key file Post Topic (x) Tue, 07 Apr 2020, 02:03pm #3 idk ★★★ I2P GodMode ★★★ Thanks zzz, I ' ll register the git SSH tunnel ASAP.
So I have taken the time to register the domain names co.i2p and in.i2p, so that if a legitimate clearnet website wishes to establish a presence in I2P but finds example.i2p is taken, they can obtain example.co.i2p through me. This is because in order to register a 3LD or 4LD with any of the existing nameservices, you require control of the corresponding 2LD or 3LD; by already registering co.i2p, the clearnet website is almost guaranteed that example.co.i2p is no already taken.
args [ 0 ] . equals ( " validate " ) ) { System . err . println ( " Usage: HostTxtParser validate example.i2p=b64dest[#!key1=val1#key2=val2] " ) ; System . exit ( 1 ) ; } HostTxtEntry e = parse ( args [ 1 ] . trim ( ) , false ) ; if ( e = = null ) { if ( !
This can be achieved by adding these lines to your <code>~/.gitconfig</code> (create if necessary): <nowiki>[http] proxy = [https] proxy = [git] proxy =</nowiki> If the proxy is needed for only a few repos, one can also utilize the <code>-c</code> of Git: <nowiki>git -c http.proxy= clone http://example.i2p/myrepo.git</nowiki> Note that this method doesn't store the proxy information within...
For HTTP servers you will probably also want to set < code > spoofedHost.9999=example.i2p < / code > to get the hostname right to keep the webserver happy (this is an existing feature - see this thread for details. > > Traffic for any incoming port of 0 or a port not configured in custom options will go to the default target host and port set at the top of the i2ptunnel server tunnel edit page, as it does now. > > Your clients must set up their stanard or IRC client tunnels with a port...
The proposed problem is that we would run out of normal .i2p domain names and people would still want human readable names that didn't suck. So, example.in.i2p as example.i2p is already taken. This idea has been around for 14 years now and I'm not aware of any takers. So, failed idea. 1. Appearance Very basic.