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Director: Angus MacLane Writers: Angus MacLane , Andrew Stanton , Derek Thompson Stars: Angus MacLane , Tessa Swigart Images Burn-E (2008) Burn-E (2008) Angus MacLane in Burn-E (2008) Burn-E (2008) Angus MacLane in Burn-E (2008) Angus MacLane in Burn-E (2008) Angus MacLane in Burn-E (2008) Angus MacLane in Burn-E (2008) Burn-E (2008)...
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On undefined pause. [ Go to bottom ] [ Catalog ] [ Return ] Perspectives on Participation in Design zhekmek 02/27/23 (Mon) 07:42:11 No. 686 Sanders, E. (2013). "Perspectives on Participation in Design" . Transcript Verlag. According to the author, incorporating end users into the design process results in more effective and user-friendly designs.
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