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This mirror aims to provide redundancy for downloading I2P ’s most popular software in case of problems on duck.i2p site The mirror is reachable as http://i2p-bt.postman.i2p (addresshelper) This entry was posted on Friday, August 5th, 2005 at 3:02 pm and is filed under Postman I2P-BT Mirror .
Post   Topic   (x) Sun, 16 May 2010, 03:23pm #2 zzz Administrator The new instructions (both in the plugin and on duck.i2p) are for a combined client/server, where you run a storage node too (I2P style - everybody contributes). That's what the plugin does - it sets up a combined client/server tunnel, generates a new b32, and then gives you some help in configuring tahoe to match.
Current TODO: * HTML cleanup / new design * Seperate view from control * Remove email traces * Access levels: 'open no signup', 'open signup', 'restricted signup', 'no outside torrents' * Security audit * Documentation Changelog v0.01 Initial public release duck v0.02 Auto Reannounce patch orion v0.03 Security Patch Tracker v0.04 Distro/code cleanup duck v0.05 cookie bug patch, formatting edits duck References http://orion.i2p/bt/ Author Contacts http://duck.i2p/ Retrieved from "...
Anything on this list that you can verify is up, or have other reason should not be removed, please comment below. 1.fcp.freenet.i2p 2.fcp.freenet.i2p 55cancri.i2p adab.i2p always.i2p amazone.i2p amiga.i2p amobius.i2p anonymnet.i2p anonynanny.i2p antipiracyagency.i2p antipiratbyran.i2p archive.i2p archive.syndie.i2p ardvark.i2p arkan.i2p asciiwhite.i2p aspnet.i2p asylum.i2p aum.i2p awup.i2p bacardi.i2p badfish.i2p badtoyz.i2p bash.i2p bdl.i2p bdsm.i2p betaguru.i2p beyond.i2p b.i2p bittorrent.i2p bk1k.i2p...
Вин, на самом деле. Сайт tahoe-lafs: http://tahoe-lafs.org/ , сайт в I2P: http://duck.i2p/tahoe-lafs/ Радио Анонимус . В I2P. Нахера он там нужен не знают даже сами создатели радио — вещания через I2P пока нет и хз будет ли.
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