About 211 results found. (Query 0.13700 seconds)
= null; } Fetching Data When you have your map and filter functions ready, you can write a function to fetch the data. async function runTF() {   const jsonData = await fetch("cardata.json");   let values = await jsonData.json();   values = values.map(extractData).filter(removeErrors); } Try it Yourself » Plotting the Data Here is some code you can use to plot the data: function tfPlot(values, surface) {   tfvis.render.scatterplot(surface,     {values:values, series:['Original','Predicted']},...
Chat Links Mirrors Tor I2P Language English Português BR Login Register Add link + • • • ai ar bbs bitcoin blog books br bsd chan chat cn crypto de domain email en es escrow exchange forum fr frontend games git github guides hacking hosting i2p imgur irc it jp leaks links market mastodon monero movies music news nokyc odysee pastebin pgp pl pt quora radio reddit ru search sms ssh stackoverflow storage tiktok torrent tr translate twitch twitter uk vpn vps wallet wikipedia...
This list is from https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines Argentina Centro de Asistencia al Suicida: https://www.casbuenosaires.com.ar/ayuda 135 (CABA & GBA), (011)5275-1135 (Todo El País/Nationwide) Australia 13 11 14 https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ Austria 142, Youth 147 Online: http://www.onlineberatung-telefonseelsorge.at Belgium Dutch: 1813 https://www.zelfmoord1813.be/ French: 0800 32 123 http://www.preventionsuicide.be/fr/lesuicide.html Brasil 141...
Веб-пошук на базі ChatGPT з’явиться в Chrome і Safari, але з нюансами 25 липня 2023, 12:30 Автор: Назар Степорук Microsoft анонсувала появу функції Bing Chat на базі ChatGPT у браузерах Chrome і Safari. Але спочатку корпорація має провести тестування. А ще вона ввела обмеження в реалізації веб-пошуку із застосуванням ШІ в програмах конкурентів. « Ми відкриваємо доступ до Bing Chat у Safari та Chrome для обраних користувачів у рамках тестування інших браузерів.
by kpopsns28 in Dodgers awkotacos 6 points 7 points 8 points 3 days ago   FREDDIE FUCKKNG FREEMAN permalink context full comments (72) Game Chat 10/25 - World Series Game 1 - Yankees (0) @ Dodgers (0) 5:08 PM by DodgerBot in Dodgers awkotacos 3 points 4 points 5 points 3 days ago   WALK THE YANKEES OFF GO DODGERS permalink context full comments (15993) Game Chat 10/25 - World Series Game 1 - Yankees (0) @ Dodgers (0) 5:08 PM by DodgerBot in Dodgers awkotacos 10 points 11...
You can delete your own chat logs in convos at will. Chat logs older than 1 month are subject to pruning. Identifiable info No identifiable information is stored without your knowledge or without you specifically providing it.
See below for a more permanent solution, that's more privacy-friendly. So how does it work? Let's assume we want to clone the PHP Chat script I've published at https://github.com/DanWin/le-chat-php . Normally cloning the repository would look like this: git clone https://github.com/DanWin/le-chat-php On an IPv6 connection, you can use my proxy service like this: git clone https://danwin1210.de:1443/DanWin/le-chat-php And if you would like...
In welcome.blade.php make sure you have replaced the < example-component > < /example-component > with < video-chat > < /video-chat > . Then you should see some logs in your console and the application fetch the access token. Answered Jun 14, 2022 at 23:42 by philnash
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#mods Злоупотребление модераторскими полномочиями #wild Бессмысленное или вредящее содержимое #archive Статичное содержимое, архивы устаревших ресурсов #blog Персональный, коллективный блог, личная страница #chat Чат, чатоподобная площадка для общения #gallery Коллекция тематических изображений #index Список ссылок, имеющих отношение к бордосфере #news Новости, обзоры и обсуждения последних событий #stream Интернет-радио, стримы, потоковое содержимое #wiki База знаний, вики-система
_______ ________ < /_ /|_ /_ /__ / //_ <_/_ < / (_- < /_/____/____//_/___/ User Metrics Tracking Script Overview The User Metrics Tracking Script for HexChat is designed to collect and report various metrics related to user interactions within a chat environment. Here's a breakdown of its key functionalities: Tracks Message Counts The script counts the total number of messages sent by each user in channels and private messages, allowing you to see who is most active in the...
All are welcome. | #simp general chat | #torrents file sharing chat, relay to IRC2P | #i2p-news news around i2p | #saltr relay from irc2p (no voice) | #en relay from the ILITA channel | [Info on channel relays / networks] SERVICES | BOTS SIMP has normal IRC services NickServ, MemoServ, and Chanserv along with some others: Simpbot can provide info on torrents, do searches, shorten URLs, and show new torrents.
According to news reports, the rape victim’s assailants dragged her across seven rooms after she had confronted them about the vandalism. After the assailants allegedly raped her, they made off with valuables from the chapel as well as Rs. 700,000 (U.S. $11,140) in cash, police said.
We’ve managed to get the ticket price down a bit this year, so you can join in all …read more The Many Leaning Towers Of Santos, Brazil If you’ve ever gazed at the shoreline of Santos, Brazil, and felt like something was tugging at your inner eye level, you’re not alone. In fact, you’ve spotted one of …read more Raspberry Pi Hack Chat With Eben Upton Join us on Wednesday, January 15 at noon Pacific for the Raspberry Pi Hack Chat with Eben Upton! The Hack...
Skip navigation links Overview Package Class Use Tree Deprecated Index Help Summary: Nested Field Constr Method Detail: Field Constr Method Summary: Nested | Field | Constr | Method Detail: Field | Constr | Method SEARCH Package net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc Class DCCClientManager java.lang.Object net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.EventReceiver net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.DCCClientManager All Implemented Interfaces: EventDispatcher public class DCCClientManager extends EventReceiver Start, track, and expire the I2PTunnelDCCClients....
Skip navigation links Overview Package Class Use Tree Deprecated Index Help Summary: Nested | Field | Constr | Method Detail: Field | Constr | Method SEARCH: Package net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc Class DCCClientManager java.lang.Object net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.EventReceiver net.i2p.i2ptunnel.irc.DCCClientManager All Implemented Interfaces: EventDispatcher public class DCCClientManager extends EventReceiver Start, track, and expire the I2PTunnelDCCClients. direct conn < --- > I2PTunnelDCCServer < --------------- >...
/usr/bin/env bash # Bot token BOT_TOKEN = "here is your telegram bot token" # Your chat id CHAT_ID = "here is your chat id" # Notification message MESSAGE = "Download Completed: ${TR_TORRENT_NAME}" MESSAGE = $(echo $MESSAGE | jq "@uri" -jRr) # Prepares the request payload PAYLOAD = "https://api.telegram.org/bot${BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage?
Ce service offre une ligne d'assistance anonyme (1-833-703-3303), un service de chat en ligne anonyme avec un clinicien formé dans plus de 25 langues, et une thérapie gratuite dans plusieurs provinces du Canada.
Nevada's unemployment rate is among the lowest in the nation. 3. Where else can you get laid at one of over 100,000 hotel rooms in the city? 2. Where else can you get married on a whim at a wedding chapel, then get it annuled 2 days later? 1. You lose all your money gambling.
😆 Peter Mullin | Mullin Wealth Management @MullinWealth 17 May 2022 Replying to @RyanDetrick We have a SERIOUSLY golden streak going three years in a row now, @RyanDetrick I think SP500 has avg’d ABOVE 2.5% on the day we chat. (Past performance does not guarantee future results, folks.)