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9/25/2020 - Suck internet. 9/24/2020 - Not dead 9/22/2020 - Downtime 9/21/2020 - Cleanup 9/20/2020 - Youtube 9/14/2020 - Menu system 9/14/2020 - Blog 9/13/2020 - i2p content 9/12/2020 - Updates 9/7/2020 - Porn on i2p. 9/5/2020 - The state of the network 9/4/2020 - Why? 9/3/2020 - Voice 03/06/23 Today's site is calculator.i2p. An RPN calculator in Russian! Overview I love calculators. When I was a small boy I didn't have one as they were too expensive.