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客户端使用 query string 来向服务器发送请求,服务端则返回 bencode 的同伴信息或是错误说明。举个例子: 客户端请求: http://example-tracker.i2p/announce?info_hash=%15Vz......6k8%8F&peer_id=-qB4650-9G*bmQR-AFCe&port=1&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=0&corrupt=0&key=73AB35E8&event=started&numwant=200&compact=1&no_peer_id=1&supportcrypto=1&redundant=0&ip=rZspl......AAA==.i2p 查询成功时,服务端返回: d8:completei0e10:incompletei0e8:intervali3600e5:peers64:(64字节的原始二进制数据) 抛开大多数在 i2p 的实现里可以忽略的东西,可以简化如下: 客户端向...
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RN since your comrades decided to end rutracker.i2p orignal no tracker.i2p was not an I2P turrents tracker orignal is there a way to fix tracker2 to handle current load? cumlord new session usually works when tracker2 gets angry orignal it didn't work not_bob Shit, no tracker2?
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