http://legwork.i2p/yacysearch.html?query=%s syndie world /language/en planet&maximumRecords=10&resource=local&verify=cacheonly&prefermaskfilter=&cat=href&constraint=&contentdom=all&strictContentDom=false&meanCount=0&former=%s syndie world&startRecord=0
But as Aktie seems to do what Syndie does and I never seem to need a full set of functions from any piece of software that I use Tue, 13 Jun 2017 | Citations | Cache | Orangeandblack by FCT http://arkwright.i2p/ attached (but alas, I cannot get Syndie to work without freezing whenever I try to do anything). But as Aktie seems to do what Syndie does and I never seem to need a full set of functions from any piece of software that I use Tue, 13 Jun 2017 | Citations | Cache | « 1 » Context...