http://legwork.i2p/yacysearch.html?query=%s syndie team /language/en keys&maximumRecords=10&resource=local&verify=cacheonly&prefermaskfilter=&cat=href&constraint=&contentdom=all&strictContentDom=false&meanCount=0&former=%s syndie team&startRecord=0
We have not received Thu, 07 Mar 2024 | Citations | Cache | Syndie - related projects http://xa63tpfoaqt3zru2ehxjjfbpadwj4ha6qsdvtcqtyr3b7hmt4iaq.b32.i2p/related.html anonymizing distributed data cache whose features complement Syndie as well. Inserting a Syndie archive into Freenet is not a problem, and syndicating off Freenet SSK or USK keys is trivial, given Freenet's HTTP interface.